October started out with the sixth installment of the Asphalt Inspection Certification Course and two Lunch & Learns. The Central-Eastern Utah Regional Leadership Council hosted a Live Crack Seal Demo Lunch and Learn in Vernal, UT, on October 19. Attendees were able to see a demonstration of the crack seal process in a parking lot and walking path, all while enjoying lunch and networking with peers and friends.
The Northern Utah Regional Leadership Council, along with ASPIRE, hosted another Lunch and Learn at Utah State University on October 24. The ASPIRE program is researching and developing technology to electrify roadways right here in Utah at USU. Attendees were able to tour the research lab and test track and learn about the new technology.
On November 1, UAPA was back in Vernal, UT, for the first Central-Eastern Utah Asphalt Summit. The Summit hosted nearly 90 attendees who were able to hear educational sessions about regional updates, asphalt mixes, road maintenance, and double chip seals using CIR. Senator Mike Lee also popped in for a short speech. The Summit ended with an equipment rodeo where several teams competed for prizes.
The Women of Asphalt, along with Terracon, hosted an asphalt lab tour on November 8. Women and men were able to tour the lab, ask questions, and network with peers in the industry.
The UAPA Fall Conference returned to St. George, UT, November 10-11. The Conference hosted over 170 attendees and 18 exhibitors for the biggest conference to date. The general and breakout educational sessions included specification updates, pavement preservation roundtable, quality assurance, local project spotlights, HiMod asphalt, and more. Attendees donated over $3,500 towards the UAPA Scholarship Fund, which will provide scholarships to a few local applicants to be awarded at the Utah Asphalt Conference in March. UAPA, along with 110 golfers, spent the day at Copper Rock Golf Course for the Fall Conference Golf Tournament. The tournament was COLD, but the golfers were good sports and had a good time.
We want to thank everyone who attended, exhibited, sponsored, and supported our events this fall. Without you, none of this would be possible.