On The Road Magazine
Keeping you up-to-date on essential UAPA and other asphalt industry news.

We are doing wonderful things to professionally support our members, and the level of educational offerings are exceptional. Our goal with On The Road magazine is to communicate our events, local news and updates to our membership in yet another way, as well as to introduce our association to potential members. It also reminds our existing members that our association has a lot to offer to them. We encourage all of you to get involved. With UAPA, you get out what you put in.”
Rick W. Johnson, Executive Director
On The Road Magazine
Keeping you up-to-date on essential UAPA and other asphalt industry news.
We are doing wonderful things to professionally support our members, and the level of educational offerings are exceptional. Our goal with On The Road magazine is to communicate our events, local news and updates to our membership in yet another way, as well as to introduce our association to potential members. It also reminds our existing members that our association has a lot to offer to them. We encourage all of you to get involved. With UAPA, you get out what you put in.”

Rick W. Johnson, Executive Director
Feature Articles

Executive Director’s Message: 2025 UAC —Shaping Utah’s Infrastructure

Register Today! 2025 Utah Asphalt Conference Wednesday, Feb. 19-Thursday, Feb. 20
Executive Director’s Message: 2025 UAC —Shaping Utah’s Infrastructure
Register Today! 2025 Utah Asphalt Conference Wednesday, Feb. 19-Thursday, Feb. 20
On The Road Magazine is the perfect place to be seen by all the decision makers in the Utah asphalt industry.
On The Road Magazine reaches ALL the asphalt companies in Utah with your brand and message. Which gets the job done quickly so you can focus on other things. You're Welcome!
- On The Road Magazine is published four times per year in both print and digital format.
- The magazine contains up-to-date association information, legislative and legal updates, compliance and regulatory issues, and much more!
- Along with the print and digital publications, an email is sent to all members, advertisers and other prominent people in the industry, announcing the new issue release. Advertisers are present in the email.
- Business publications are rated the first choice for staying in touch with what’s going on in their sector by 61% of decision makers.
- A Nielsen Catalina study shows an average ROI of $7.81 for every $1.00 spent on print ads. Almost half of those surveyed preferred to look at an ad in print.
Contact Us TODAY to get your spot!
The newsLINK Group is a full-service marketing and communications agency that focuses specifically on content marketing. We have a proven history of delivering publishing services to nonprofit organizations and professional trade associations, that seek to connect with their clients or members. We help minimize the time, effort and money that often goes into handling all aspects of an organization’s communication strategy.