Pub. 2 2019-2020 | Issue 4
By Karyn Salerno and Cal Beyer
By The Utah Asphalt Pavement Association

By Reed Ryan, Executive Director, The Utah Asphalt Pavement Association
We made it! Welcome to the end of 2020 and the promise of all things ahead in the year 2021. Somehow, two weeks to “flatten the curve” has now turned into a prolonged, nine-month battle for health, safety and life. Like you, I’m saddened at the loss of life we have experienced this year…
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- SealMaster Utah
- Goodfellow Corp
- Monsen Engineering
- Rush Truck Centers
- Kilgore Companies
- Asphalt Materials, Inc
- Staker Parson Materials & Construction
- Blue Roads Solutions
- Brody Chemical
- WTA, Inc
- Geneva Rock Products, Inc
- Century Equipment
- G&A Partners
- Keystone Engineering
- Morgan Pavement
- Graymont
- Honnen Equipment
- Barricade Services
- Seal Coat Supply, Inc
- Granite Construction, Inc