Pub. 5 2023 Directory

Access Industry Leaders

UAPA membership provides access to the management of the top businesses in our industry. We support networking and collaborating within our industry, creating a more inclusive and professional environment.

UAPA Committees

UAPA members drive industry advancement, innovation and adoption through numerous committees focused on specific areas, including safety, sustainability, materials, workforce and more.

Awards and Recognition

There are multiple prestigious industry and members-only awards, plus recognitions like Large Project of the Year, Small Project of the Year, Preservation Project of the Year, Quality In Construction Project of the Year, Industry Leader of the Year and the Hall of Fame Inductee.

Workforce and NextGen Leadership

UAPA is working with our members, industry and agencies to address the workforce issues faced by our members. Moreover, we are actively working to mentor and grow the next generation to lead the asphalt producers and contractor businesses throughout Utah and the U.S. UAPA has an active scholarship program and awards several $1,500 scholarships each year.

UAPA Expertise

UAPA is an extension of your company with expert staff to assist you with specific challenges and opportunities for you and your company.

Federal Advocacy and Education

UAPA is a well-respected, trusted advisor with connections to federal government agencies, departments, and elected officials. UAPA often provides input, comments and testimony regarding the industry impact of legislation and regulation on a local level, improving the business environment for our members.

UAPA Publications

UAPA members automatically receive our quarterly magazine, On the Road (digital and print), regular newsletters (digital) and our annual UAPA Directory and Buyer’s Guide (email and online).

UAPA Onboarding

When you join UAPA, we will spend time learning about your business so we can help introduce you to the programs, products and services to maximize your membership.

Discounts on UAPA Products and Services

NAPA meetings, publications, research reports, training/webinars/podcasts and networking provide ample opportunities to advance your business.