Pub. 6 2024 Issue 2

Small Project of the Year Nominee: SR-8; Sunset Blvd. MP 0-1.3

Western Rock Products

This 1.3-mile project was a high-volume rehabilitation that consisted of a 2-inch mill & overlay of four travel lanes and a turn lane. The rehabilitation was designed with a stone matrix asphalt (SMA) surface overlay to provide optimum durability and drainage. An additional specification included a type one (1) classification for ride or smoothness. 4,827 tons of SMA were paved on the project. Approximately the same quantity of roto-mill tailings was hauled to the quarry, where they will be recycled for future bituminous paving projects. The project was in an urban interval of state route eight (SR-8) between the busy Bluff Street (SR-18) intersection and Dixie Drive. In addition to St. George, Sunset Boulevard is a primary connector that serves Santa Clara, Ivins and Kayenta.

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