Quality in Pavement Preservation Nominee: UDOT SR-248
SR-248 has repeatedly had different kinds of construction for several years because of water line upgrades, sewer upgrades, and several developments making utility connections. The roadway was in extremely poor condition, and you could feel it as you drove on it.
Funding was limited. Members of a UDOT team did what they could with a one-inch mill and a one-inch OGSC treatment. The method that UDOT chose was economical and fixed most of the smoothness issues the roadway had developed over the years. The goal was to get in, get done, and get out as quickly as possible.
The project required extensive partnering, problem-solving, and community involvement. Park City had a water main system installed by a separate contractor at the same time as Granite Construction’s project. Both teams had to coordinate their work, and the corridor was very busy with construction traffic at all hours. Also, the corridor has an elementary school and a high school. That causes a high concentration of pedestrians, cyclists, and buses.
The reconstruction of 49 pedestrian access ramps along the three-mile stretch of roadway required several detours for the cyclists who use the existing trail system and the youth who walk the route to and from school. The project schedule took place both day and night to comply with the city’s noise ordinance requirements and accommodate local needs.
Granite Construction completed the project ahead of schedule and minimized the impacts on everyone using SR-248. The project was tough, but the results are beautiful.