UAPA Teams Up with The Rescue Mission of Salt Lake to Help Our Homeless Friends
On August 16, UAPA held their 12th Annual Golf Classic tournament at Soldier Hollow Golf Course. Each year at this event, UAPA raises money for their scholarship program and for charity. This year’s president, Bup Minardi, chose to support The Rescue Mission of Salt Lake, a faith-based 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization serving the homeless population in Utah. UAPA members raised a total of $5,450 between the two sold-out golf courses to support this worthy cause.
Bup has personally been involved with the Rescue Mission for about 15 years. He is very passionate about helping those in need find a way to get on a better road. “Homelessness is something that is often misunderstood in this state,” Bup said. “You have people who, yes, have made bad choices, and they are where they are. And in all reality, being homeless is probably the best place for them to be at that time because they need to hit a point where they say ‘enough is enough.’” He went on to share, “There are also many who are generational in homelessness. Their great-grandparents were homeless, as were their parents, and they, themselves, were born into homelessness, and they just don’t know another way. And still, others have been through a very major event, circumstance or hardship in their life that they had no control over, and it totally devastated them. Unfortunately, this causes too many to turn to drugs and/or alcohol, and they secretly pray to God they fall asleep and don’t wake up, which in some cases they do.” This is a harsh reality that cannot be ignored. So, for us as an organization made up of multiple private, public, and governmental entities that help build better roads, we believe building better lives is our number one priority.
During the golf tournament, Bup and Chris Croswhite, Executive Director of the Rescue Mission, sat at one of the holes on the course. As the golfers came up, they took the opportunity to introduce themselves and shake hands. Then Chris gave each group of golfers an idea of what the Rescue Mission is all about and the help they provide for our homeless population. The same thing happened on the other course. Victor Johnson, UAPA President-Elect and Dennis Dickerson from the Rescue Mission took the opportunity to educate the golfers. UAPA members had a unique opportunity to learn about the plight and the needs of our homeless friends and, if they chose, get more information on how to help.
To understand the gravity of the current homeless situation, one only has to look at the numbers. In 2022, a greater number of Utahns experienced homelessness compared to previous years. Data from the Utah Homeless Management Information System (UHMIS) showed a 10% increase in the number of individuals experiencing homelessness for the first time and a 5% increase among those who have experienced homelessness multiple times accessing services during the reporting period. The 2023 Point in Time Count (PIT) also confirmed this rise, with 10.9 out of every 10,000 Utahns identified as experiencing homelessness on a single night in January. While the exact underlying causes of these increases are not fully understood, it is likely that factors such as rising living costs and the lack of accessible and affordable housing contribute to the difficulty Utahns face in both preventing and exiting homelessness.
This is where The Rescue Mission of Salt Lake steps in. “The Rescue Mission is a private, faith-based homeless and service provider that is 100% privately funded,” said Chris. “The blessing and the privilege of being privately funded is that we don’t have to change our programs to meet the desires of what the government wants to fund. We don’t have to start and stop programs, especially if the program is successful; we can simply evaluate programs and keep the ones that are successful, then reinvent the ones that are not. The heart of the Rescue Mission is our New Life Program. Its goal is to restore lives and end homelessness,” said Chris. This program has three phases: Phase One-Stabilization/Application, Phase Two-Education and Phase Three-Implementation, Employment, Housing, and Support. This process can take anywhere from 12-18 months. But the support does not stop there. After an individual graduates from this program, there are options for them to continue to meet with staff counselors and community mentors. In fact, many graduates stay in touch for years to share their successes and inspire others who are currently facing homelessness. The New Life Program lives up to its name — providing a hand-up as opposed to a hand-out

Bup Minardi, UAPA President

Chris Croswhite, Executive Director, The Rescue Mission of Salt Lake

Steven Sell: A Story of Hope, Healing and Purpose

Before Steven came to the Rescue Mission, he did not believe in God. Steven had some difficult experiences in childhood and, as an adult, had three failed marriages, struggled with addiction and homelessness and spent years in and out of prison. He spent his days angry and would often try to convince others that God did not exist. In his own words, Steven explained, “I was either doing really well, working and married, or I was doing it all wrong. There’s very little middle ground for me.”
Fifty years of living this way had taken its toll, and Steven, without hope, considered ending his life. Then, a thought came to his mind, “What if God is real?” Steven decided to strike a deal with God and uttered a simple prayer: “Listen, if you exist, I’ll make a deal with you. I’ve come to a point in my life where if you do exist, I need you.” He continued, “I’ll make you a deal if you show me you exist. And if you help me out, I’ll be your biggest fan. I’ll follow you till my last breath.”
Shortly after that, Steven found himself in church. The pastor, having some idea of the hardships that Steven was facing, recommended he go to the Rescue Mission. “That was the first day of the rest of my life,” Steven recalled.
Over the years, Steven had walked past the Rescue Mission many times and did not realize it existed. “How did I miss this? I slept down the street from here and never knew this place that existed.” He knows that God led him to the exact place he needed to be to get help.
The New Life Program has given Steven a new purpose in life. He is 10 months sober, healthy and currently working an internship with the Rescue Mission to help give hope and guide others out of homelessness. His family relationships have been healed, and Steven has great friends and an amazing community of support that he found through the program. His probation officer is happy with his progress and may give him the opportunity to end his probation early.
Steven is happy to share his experience with the New Life Program and is proud of the life skills he’s learned. “I think differently now. I do things differently than I did before. I’m not quick to anger. I used to be very judgmental and critical. I felt like I was a victim of the world, and now I’m quite the opposite. I am very accountable for my life and for my actions. I realize I have choices, and that’s really what it’s about. It’s about what I choose. There’s a lot of power in that.” Steven continued, “We need to let people know that, as broken as this world is and as many things that can be improved upon, it’s still working in some places; there are still success stories. We need to focus on the things that are working, and the Rescue Mission is such a place.”
History of The Rescue Mission of Salt Lake
In the early 1970s, a small group of Salt Lake-based Christian businessmen regularly drove from Salt Lake to Ogden to serve at the only Christ-centered homeless service provider in the State of Utah — The Ogden Rescue Mission. On one trip, a father and son team, Don and Dan Kramer, invited Kay Nakashima, a friend and fellow Christian businessman, to come along. On the return trip, Kay asked why they drove past homeless people in the Salt Lake area to head north. This sparked an idea, and Kay’s question led this small group of men, along with their families, to establish the Rescue Mission of Salt Lake.
In 1972, after much prayer and second mortgages on four of the founders’ homes, the Rescue Mission of Salt Lake began serving our homeless friends and neighbors in the downtown Salt Lake area.
Since then, the Rescue Mission has developed services to meet the immediate needs of our homeless friends (food, shelter, clothing and more) as well as comprehensive, life-changing programs to provide a pathway off the streets through addiction recovery, Christian education, employment, housing and restoration of relationships. This includes the addition of our Women’s Center in 1984, where women and children have a safe place to find shelter, clothing, counseling and addiction recovery services.
In 2019, God brought this story full circle. After years of friendship and collaboration, the Rescue Mission of Salt Lake and Ogden Rescue Mission joined together as one organization that could care for Utah’s most vulnerable populations along the Wasatch Front.
Today, the Rescue Mission of Salt Lake provides daily meals to the homeless and low-income communities in Ogden and Salt Lake. Each night, they provide safe, comfortable shelter for men, women and children who have nowhere else to go.
Their goal remains the same as it was back in 1972: To be the most effective life-changing ministry in Utah that serves the homeless, indigent and poor by providing services that meet spiritual, physical, emotional, educational, social and mental wholeness needs through the love and power of Jesus Christ.

Get Involved with The Rescue Mission of Salt lake

At A Glance
January-September 2023
Meals provided: 208,318
Nights of shelter: 53,556
Clothing items provided: 60,536
Hygiene items provided: 69,317
Jobs obtained: 40
Housing obtained: 30
Unique number of people served: 2,069
To learn more about how the Rescue Mission helps get people off the streets, please the link to watch this video.
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