All three contractors constructed their projects with safety as a high priority, with no accidents that we are aware of.
- Craig Fabrizio, Luke Peterson and others — Staker Parson Materials & Construction
- Dan McDaniel, Victor Johnson and others — Geneva Rock Products
- Pete Folk, Chris Campbell and others — Granite Construction Inc.
Innovative HiMod Mix Summary for increased pavement preservation:
- PG 76-34 binder.
- Density target 96% of Gmm.
- 1-1.5% air voids target at 50 gyrations.
- 6.0% minimum binder content.
- 15% RAP allowed.
- 90-95% voids filled with asphalt.
- VMA requirements bumped up 1.0%.
- 10 mm maximum rut, Hamburg Test at 54ºC.
- Can be placed at full depth in cooler weather.
Contractor Number One: Staker Parson Materials & Construction

I-80 East Bound Port of Entry Ramp, June 3, 2021 — This was the first placement of this innovative high performance mixture, first at their own plant and then at the POE ramp. This project proved the mix can go through the shuttle buggy after a long haul and be placed in a single 6-inch-thick lift while achieving densities of 96% or better for the full depth. The high binder content and low void mix easily compacted to a high-density condition for a durable, long-lasting, rut-resistant pavement.
West Davis Corridor, I-15 Near Parish Lane, both NB (May 2022) and SB (September 2023) — This is the first placement of this mix/pavement on old, worn-out PCCP. The concrete was only crack-sealed and then given a 3-inch overlay. This will likely prove to be a highly cost-effective way to rehabilitate and preserve old concrete pavements.
Contractor Number Two: Geneva Rock Products

SR-196 Mile Post 24 to I-80, May 2023 — This was the first use of the innovative mixture on a full-size project, 13 miles in length. It was also the first thin lift project proving it can still be constructed and meet the high density requirement of 96% of the measured maximum value. The high binder content and low void condition of the mat produced a highly crack-resistant thin overlay pavement to preserve the old, worn-out, cracked road.
Contractor Number Three: Granite Construction Inc.

I-84/80 Echo Junction Structure Bridge Deck, I-15 Bridge Decks in Region One, Summer 2023 — This is the first use of the new innovative mixture on structural bridge decks. Granite proposed change orders to this and other structures over I-15, demonstrating and promoting the use of this preservation technique to provide more watertight protection for the bridge decks. They were able to prove it could be done by achieving high compaction or density of 96% without the use of vibratory rollers.
SR-173, 4800 West to Bangerter Highway, late Summer to Fall 2023 — This project proved the material could be constructed with a thin lift on multiple lanes in a high-traffic area. The high binder mat had densities again, proving to easily meet the 96% requirement for a long-lasting, durable pavement preserving the road.