Pub. 6 2024 Issue 2

Hall of Fame Award Winner: Todd Morgan

Morgan Pavement

The Utah Asphalt Pavement Hall of Fame Inductee is chosen each year from among industry representatives and peers as someone who has significantly contributed to the betterment of the asphalt pavement industry in Utah. It is presented to an individual who actively fostered and demonstrated vision and dedication in advancing the asphalt pavement industry and overall investment in quality infrastructure for the state of Utah.

The chosen inductee has a strong record of supporting policies and practices throughout their career that lowered the costs of doing business while reflecting industry values of responsible, safe and ethical business practices. This year’s Hall of Fame winner is Todd Morgan.

Todd Morgan began working in pavement during a compelling chapter in the history of Utah’s asphalt industry. Spanning over four decades, Todd’s career encapsulates a journey of growth, innovation and resilience.

Beginning his career at the age of 29, Todd quickly distinguished himself as a forward-thinker. His initial venture into parking lot striping in 1983 laid the groundwork for what would become a comprehensive service offering. Todd’s company, evolving swiftly, expanded its capabilities to include pothole filling, asphalt laying and, eventually, a full array of maintenance services. This progression highlighted not only Todd’s entrepreneurial spirit but also his adaptability and commitment to meeting the diverse needs of the market.

A notable milestone in Todd’s career came in 1986 when he introduced emulsified aggregate sealcoat to his business, being one of the first to do so in the Salt Lake Valley. This innovation represented a significant step forward in asphalt maintenance technology, offering enhanced durability and performance of asphalt surfaces. Todd’s willingness to embrace and implement new technologies has been a key factor in his success and has contributed to setting higher standards for Morgan Pavement.

Despite his lack of formal training in asphalt paving and maintenance, Todd’s hands-on experience and intuitive understanding of the field have been remarkable. His proficiency with a wide range of equipment, from pavers and graders to excavators, demonstrated a deep engagement with his work. This knowledge not only allowed Todd to lead his company effectively but also to instill confidence and respect among his peers and employees.

Respect from his employees is where Todd really stands out. It wasn’t just about laying down the perfect road. He knew that building a strong team was key. Enter the “F-Troop,” Todd’s makeshift crew of salesmen and office staff turned asphalt wizards. They were the underdogs, the rookies thrown into the deep end, but under Todd’s wing, they got the job done. Sure, there were hiccups along the way, like the time they nearly buried a paver under 18 tons of hot mix, but Todd was always there, steering the ship back on course with a laugh and a lesson.

Todd’s knack for making the best out of sticky situations (literally and figuratively) and his ability to see potential in people set him apart. Through his company, Morgan has provided not only employment but also opportunities for personal and professional growth. He didn’t just build roads; he built careers, friendships and a sense of family at Morgan Pavement. It’s this mix of hard work, innovation and genuine care for his team that’s made Todd a legend in the Utah asphalt scene. His legacy is evident in the success of his employees, and the positive culture fostered within Morgan Industries.

In recognizing Todd Morgan’s achievements, we acknowledge the blend of innovation, dedication and community that has characterized his approach to business and the industry at large. His story is a testament to the lasting impact that one individual can have on an industry and the people within it.

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