Pub 5 2023 Special Edition

Keynote Speaker – Carlos Braceras, UDOT: Innovation, Efficiencies and Plans for 2023

Every year since, for the last twenty-five years or so, the UDOT Innovation and Efficiencies Report has been published in response to UDOT’s budget asks from the legislature. As Carlos Braceras, the longtime Executive Director of UDOT puts it, “At first, we were required to provide an accounting, and now we continue to do it because we feel it’s important to be accountable for what we do and what we spend. This report has also evolved into something that motivates our people to innovate. We’ve saved at least six million in efficiencies every year. It’s something we’re really proud of.”

This year’s report starts with “The Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) has a Mission to enhance quality of life through transportation. As careful stewards of taxpayer dollars, we aim to execute that goal in the most effective way – providing the greatest value with every penny we invest. Since 1997, UDOT has reported on the ways we deliver value with efficiency and innovation, and every year we continue to find new and better ways to fulfill our Mission.

The imperative for UDOT to provide a safe, reliable transportation system has perhaps never been more important or challenging. Utah’s population is increasing at a tremendous rate, with our population expected to double by 2050. We cannot, and will not, double our lane miles to match the increasing population. With so much change in our state, industry, and technology, we’re constantly adapting in every part of our business.

At UDOT, innovation is part of our DNA. Utah is nationally recognized for its legacy of continually seeking ways to do things better, faster, and more efficiently. We’ve had some high-profile successes, like accelerated bridge construction (ABC) and delivering the country’s first design-build transportation megaproject. And we’ve also had successes that were less obvious, yet still incredibly important. This report includes examples that cover the spectrum, from moving bridges to improving safety. And regardless of whether these innovations made the news or are behind the scenes, they all have one thing in common: they help us make life better and safer for everyone using Utah’s transportation system.”

UAPA had the chance to sit down with Carlos Braceras to talk plans for 2023 and innovation immediately jumped to the top of the conversation.

Q: So, let’s talk about innovation. It seems like it’s something that you are focused on and very proud of.

A: First, innovation is paramount to what we do here. It must be. It’s how the public sees us; we need to continually look for ways to do things better. Utah was the first state in the country to build bridges out of traffic and then move them into place. It was groundbreaking at the time.

The goal, of course, is to get things done faster, better, and more economically. That’s the whole point of innovation, right? And building a culture of innovation is key to continuous improvement, as well as supporting an overall strategy of success, which directly supports our mission.

Q: How has UDOT evolved over the years, with an eye to the innovations developed year over year?

A: It used to be that our main goal was the movement of cars through our communities. But that goal has evolved to moving people and the things that people need. We have moved from building highways to transit systems. It’s very exciting.

Utah is very unique in that we’re the fastest-growing state in the U.S., and we don’t have the physical room to grow our highways incrementally to accommodate the growth. Utah’s population is expected to grow to over five million by 2050, and much of that growth will take place in the urbanized areas of the Wasatch Front. We need to be innovative in how we deal with it all. We need transit systems that bring our communities together and facilitate connecting people to workplaces and leisure places in a way that makes sense.

Q: How can UAPA be part of this vision?

A: The number one thing that we need to do is to take care of the foundation of highways that we have. Our current infrastructure is a 44-billion-dollar asset, 24 billion of which is asphalt and concrete. This has to be top of mind, as we can’t invest in other fundamental projects if we don’t protect and maintain what we have. We have very cold weather and very warm weather in our state, which takes a heavy toll on our pavements.

We are fortunate to have the professionals that we do in the asphalt industry here in Utah.

Q: Is there anything that you are especially excited about for 2023?

A: Absolutely. We’re focused on USATS – Utah Statewide Active Transportation System – which is more than just a way to get from one place to another. We want to move people and goods easily within and across our communities. A well-functioning transit system feeds a vibrant economy.

We’re working on double-tracking Front Runner, which will make a huge impact on commutes.

And probably the most exciting thing, which is also something that Governor Cox s passionate about, is a goal to create a statewide trail system that connects every existing trail in our state, from Bear Lake to St. George. It’s an intrastate trail system. This is long-term, and it may not be completely finished in our lifetimes, but it’s a fabulous and lofty vision that will positively impact us all. We want to give people transportation options and allow them to choose how they want to travel – whether it be by car, bus, train, walking, or biking – to get where they want to go freely and safely.

Q: Any last and parting thoughts about this industry and the contribution it makes to us all?

A: I think that the transportation industry in all its forms – from highways to technological innovations is incredibly exciting. It’s the best business. I think people need a purpose, and transportation matters. I love our industry.

Please Click Here for the full UDOT I&E Report.