Large Project of the Year Nominee: Staker Parson Materials & Construction - I-80 in Wendover, (MP 10.46 to MP 20)
The project called for ten miles of I-80 SMA overlay and an experimental single 6-inch lift of HiHMA mixed design for the Wendover port of entry. In all, the team placed 41,836 tons. They rotomilled the freeway in both directions to a depth of 1.5 inches and paved back a 1.5-inch depth of SMA with a PG-70-28 binder. That accounted for 41,459 tons. The team also relined existing culverts and installed new end sections. Upon completion, the road was shouldered, and new delineators and rumble strips were placed.
At the port of entry, the team removed six inches of concrete and asphalt by roto mill, then paved back a single lift of six inches of PG 76-34 HiHMA. This experimental operation involved years of preparation and study by UDOT, ensuring the 6-inch one-lift paving method would be successful. (This issue of On the Road has a separate article about the thick lift.)
SMA paving always presents challenges to produce, transport, and place. With a two-hour haul from the plant to the job site, paving personnel had to handle the SMA correctly to keep it flowing through the Material Transfer Vehicle (MTV) and paver, without chunks or material loss. To limit risk, they kept a spare MTV, asphalt paver, and truck tire repairman on the project as well.
The project was one of two UDOT projects on the same stretch of highway. Staker Parson’s contract was to overlay 10 miles of I-80 while another contractor was on the same roadway placing a cable barrier on the shoulder. The teams were in constant communication. Their success is an example of effective partnering with two contractors and UDOT.