Pub. 5 2023 Issue 3

5 Cybersecurity Tips for Businesses

Cybersecurity is critical in today’s world. According to a study conducted by Security Intelligence, cyberattacks specifically directed at businesses increased toward the end of 2022. Companies are having to spend more and more money to keep their businesses secure as the number of incidents continues to rise. In addition, cyberattacks are getting trickier, making the identification and remediation process take months longer before you can get back to normal operations.

By now, everyone has received an email or text pretending to be a legitimate company that you are affiliated with, such as your bank or your phone company. They usually attempt to claim that your personal information needs to be verified and then provide a link to take you to “your company’s” website to enter that information. However, as many of you know, it is a false website pretending to be your company, so you hand over your personal information directly into the unsecured website for them to steal. From there, it’s easy to worm their way into your other secure accounts or systems, such as your business accounts. It’s simple tactics like this that can quickly lead to the collapse of the whole company’s network.

To combat these cyberattacks and increase cyber security, companies have developed different strategies that can make you feel more confident against the ever-evolving concerns surrounding cybersecurity. In this article, you’ll see essential cybersecurity tips that can help your business stay ahead of the curve by defending against malicious cyberattacks and securing your data.

Strong Passwords and Two-Factor Authentication

Strong passwords are important for personal use, but they are even more vital in businesses. A strong password should be something that the user can easily remember yet challenging enough that an attacker cannot guess. The cliché of using a birthday or pet name is far too easy to guess because that information can be obtained through a quick Google search. Passwords should have at least eight characters, upper and lower case letters, numbers and even a special character such as a question mark or exclamation point.

For added security, businesses should consider implementing two-factor authentication. When attempting to log in to a business-related account using your password, the system will send you a second code to your phone — usually through a text message or an email — to enter as well. Using two-factor authentication reduces the chance of a cyberattack because the attacker would need two separate pieces of information in order to access your account.

Creating strong passwords and using two-factor authentication can greatly reduce the avenues that attackers can pursue and are a great first line of defense.

Regularly Updating Software

It is absolutely vital to regularly update software. The latest software updates usually contain security patches and bug fixes, ensuring your business is as protected as possible against cyber threats. Without the newest updates, attackers can learn where the weaknesses in the cybersecurity are and exploit them.

Additionally, regularly updating your software ensures that you are taking advantage of the latest technological improvements. New software updates mean improved features, performance, security and overall efficiency — not to mention more streamlined processes. You can feel confident in your cybersecurity because you know you have the newest defenses against possible threats. With more cyber threats creeping up every day, it’s essential to keep software up to date to protect your business.

Antivirus Protection and Firewalls

A comprehensive cybersecurity plan must include antivirus protection and a firewall. Antivirus software detects and protects against numerous different viruses and Trojans. Any one of those can work their way into your system, steal sensitive information and damage your business operations. Firewalls block unauthorized access to your system and filter out any malicious activity. It is similar to a physical wall and will only allow access to those that are authorized to be there, blocking out all others.

Cybercriminals are constantly trying to attack with a variety of new methods, so it’s essential to regularly update the antivirus software and firewall settings on your systems. This will ensure you are protected against the latest threats that the attackers are developing.

Practice Safe Browsing Habits

All staff should know the importance of cybersecurity and the potential risks that the business faces every day. An educated team that knows the basics of cyber security and the importance of strong defenses against cyberattacks can protect your business.

Another important step in ensuring your network remains secure is verifying that all employees know how to safely browse the internet. They need to be aware that hackers will attempt to fool them with phishing emails that contain malicious links and attachments and could potentially lead them to unsecure websites. They should exercise caution when clicking on any links or downloading any files — either of those could contain viruses or malware without you even knowing. Even when browsing the internet, they should only visit friendly websites on a secure connection.

Use Cloud Storage Solutions

In the event of an attack or data loss, it is vital that you have your data backed up to a secure system to recover quickly and maintain your business with minimal disruption.

Cloud storage keeps your data secure and safe. Hackers are more likely to attempt to attack your business through you and your employees rather than through a secure storage solution.

Cloud storage solutions are cost-effective and can easily store large amounts of data without expensive hardware or software. They are also flexible in that they can scale up or down depending on the needs of the business.

Cloud storage solutions also provide data security, meaning it ensures your data is encrypted and secure against possible attackers. As a result, your business is protected against possible cyberattacks or unwanted hackers attempting to access your data. Your data will be safe and secure, ready to be utilized in the event of a data loss due to a system failure because cloud storage solutions allow for a more robust data backup.


Cyberattacks are associated with many potential risks that businesses must always be aware of. They can protect themselves from becoming a target by understanding the common tactics used by an attacker, utilizing appropriate security measures, regularly monitoring the security and maintaining up-to-date software. It’s important that businesses take the necessary steps to ensure their cybersecurity is ready to defend against the malicious cyber threats attempting to infiltrate them.