Pub. 2 2019-2020 Issue 2
19 M ountainViewCorridor was an $8,350,000 project that involvedplacing64,000 tons of hot mix asphalt, 3,900 tons of stone matrix asphalt, 100,000 tons of untreated road base, and 125,000 tons of granular borrow. The project connected Redwood Road in Salt Lake City to Pioneer Crossing in Eagle Mountain with a new roadway. Geneva Rock worked withW.W. Clyde in a collaborative partnership during the construction phase to produce one of the smoothest asphalt paving projects in the history of Geneva Rock. Closing the gap in schedule is a typical goal in construction, but in this instance, we con- sideredon-timecompletionauniquechallengebecauseof theexternal conditions. Spring 2019was abnormallywet, andexisting soil conditions only exacerbated theproblems for W.W. Clyde and Geneva Rock. Together, we discussed ways we could align to the sched- ule andproduce aproduct that everyonewouldbeproudof on theoriginal deliverydate. GenevaRockdeliveredandplaced64,000 tonsof asphaltwithonlyone small grind, which wasdue toahardtie-in for trafficcontrol.Theoverall smoothnessonthisprojecthasended up being the smoothest road of this size that Geneva Rock has ever paved. The asphalt was later coveredwith bondedwearing course, also completed by Geneva Rock crews. We spent extensive time working through paving lifts and widths tomaximize smooth- ness. An example of this detail is the 192,000 feet of twine used for an accurate layout ensuring the lanes were constructed perfectly. By managing the project in this manner, we were able to put down approximately 3,600 tons per day and paved one of the best roads in Geneva Rock history. ZERO is ahighlight for the teamworkingon theMountainViewCorridor-SaratogaSprings project. We’re proud to report that no recordable injuries occurred, making all OSHA Recordable Rates 0.00 with 28,435.66 hours worked by Geneva Rock employees. This didn’t just happen! Our safety andproject teamworked tirelessly toensurebest practices in safety for everyone. We held daily safety meetings to discuss work tasks and address safety concerns so everyone was aware and confident in their assignments. At Geneva Rock, the safety of our employees, the public, and other contractors working around the sites is our top priority. 3 PROJECT LOCATION: Saratoga Springs, SR-73 to 2100 N MP 0.0 to MP 2.9 PROJECT START: August 2018 PROJECT COMPLETION: September 2019 MOUNTAIN VIEW CORRIDOR GENEVA ROCK PRODUCTS LARGE PROJECT AWARD WINNER:
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