Pub. 1 2018-2019 Issue 3
ONES. 33 days that just didn’t end and they just became the next day. • Be patient with the evolution. There is a lot to be said about savoring the climb. As I look back at the years, I can honestly say that I am glad and grateful that success didn’t all come at once. Everything has its time and its natural progression. • Fill the need. We all have customers and they have needs. Become proficient at recognizing those needs and exceptional at filling them. • Appreciate your loved ones. No one can run a successful business without the love and support of close friends and family. I have been so fortunate. My wife, Lisa, has been the backbone of this operation. We have two kids, Skyler and Shaylee. Early on, Lisa and I made a deal, she handled things at home, so I could handle things at work. It took two of us to get here, and there is not a day that I am not appreciative and grateful for all she has done. The name Double D was never intended to mean two Droubay’s but it could now as Mark’s son is working right alongside him. Skyler, just like his Dad, started driving trucks. Unlike his dad, he went to college and earned his B.A. in Civil Engineering, as well as his MBA and is now the equipment manager and handling many other tasks and responsibilities and is working hard to make the company better. Working with family is something that Mark treasures, and it certainly speaks to the legacy he has built, in that the 2nd generation has joined the ranks of the family business. 3 FILL THE NEED. WOR HAR
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