Pub. 1 2018-2019 Issue 1
I n April 2018, the Utah Department of Transportation named Teri Newell as a second Deputy Director. She will work with Carlos Braceras, the execu- tive director, and Shane Marshall, who has already been working as a deputy director. UDOT has more than 1,600 employees and is responsible for the 6,000 lanemiles of state roads and high- ways in Utah. Teri’s jobwill be to develop transportation solutions as Utah’s pop- ulation continues to grow. Teri has worked for UDOT for 17 years. She worked for five years as the Region Three director and for 10 years on the Mountain View Corridor project. As the Region Three Director, she managed state road constructionandmaintenance in Daggett, Duchesne, Juab, Uintah, Utah, andWasatch counties. Shewas also responsible for theplanning, design, con- struction andmaintenance of all the road projects in the region, which included taking care of the pavement, planning for cyclists and pedestrians, developing transit and planning for future growth. On the Mountain View Corridor, Teri started with the initial project concept, worked through the environmental study, and oversaw the first phase of construction, which included 15 miles of roadway in Salt Lake County and a 3-mile connection from Redwood Road to I-15 inUtahCounty. Beforeworking for UDOT, Teri was as the Salt Lake County Operations Director. She has alsoworked in the private sector. Teri is originally from Iowa and earned a Civil Engineering degree at Iowa State University. Utah Business Magazine recognized Teri as one of Utah’s top professional women in May 2011. She is known for being innovative and has a reputa- tion for effectively handling complex challenges. 3 episode-10-meet-teri LISTEN TO AN INTERVIEW WITH TERI “Teri hasprovenherself as an innovative leader.Her workasRegionThreeDirector andas theproject manager for theMountainViewCorridorhashelped toprepareher to takeanactive role shaping thisnew positionand inhelping to leadUDOT into its exciting transportation future.” -CarlosBraceras, UDOTExecutiveDirector MEET TERI NEWELL, P.E., UDOT’S DEPUTY DIRECTOR 16
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